Formal request letter for a response to a Questionnaire

Name ad Surname of the senderStreet Name and Number

Postcode and City



Name ad Surname of the recipientStreet Name and Number

Postcode and City



Dear Ms/Mr,


I am Jonathan Borden, MBA student at the University of Tartu. In the recent months I am conducting a survey on the effect of the pollution on bird life in the Baltic Sea region, needed for my master thesis project “Effects of the air pollution on the Baltic Sea bird habitat”. Could you please set aside several minutes in order to participate in my research and fill in the Questionnaire, that I am sending you in the Attachment? It will mean a lot for my thesis, which I believe would be incomplete without the Questionnaire.


Please feel free to add any additional remarks to my survey, or leave blank if you have troubles answering certain questions. Although the Questionnaire is anonymous, at your request I will include your answers as a reference and give a special acknowledgement to your Organization.


Thank you very much in advanced for your co-operation.



Jonathan Broden

