Formal application letter template

Name ad Surname of the sender

Street Name and Number

Postcode and City





Name ad Surname of the recipient [HR Department]

Street Name and Number

Postcode and City



Dear Mr. (Ms) [Last Name of the recipient, or HR manager if you are not familiar with the last name of the person],


Ref:  Advertisement published in [Name of the magazine, website] on MM/DD/YY for [Name of the post]



Currently I am working with [Name of the company] as an [your job title]. However, taking into account brand and references your company has I would love to work with [Name of the company where you are applying to] in the future. I had seen the advertisement [Name of the magazine, website] for [Name of the post] and since i fully meet all the requirements that you are looking I would like to apply for this position.


I have attached my resume to this letter and other required documents and I would be grateful if you could go through the documents and let me know if you are interested to provide me an opportunity.


Thank you so much for your consideration. Hope to hear from you soon.


Yours sincerely,


Name of the sender


