Letter of resignation template with notice period



[Name and Surname]



Branch: __________





[Name Surname]







Subject: Letter of Resignation





I, Ms./Mr.[Name and Surname], would like to proffer my resignation from the position of[Name of the position], in[Branch name],  postNr. [Number of the position]on MM/DD/YYY.


This decision is being made due to some unescapablecircumstances that I am facing at the moment.


I am truthfullyobligated for the trust, confidence and unwavering support provided from the Management & team in broadening my outlook, capacity and potential throughout my engagement in the Company.


I would like to point out that I really appreciated every moment of my work at the Company. I am assuring you that I will do my best to assist smooth transition of my duties to the newly appointed person before and after I leave the company. However, I would like to be relieved from my duties by the end of work hours of [MM/DD/YYYY].


I wish you and to the Company all the best and I am using this opportunity to thank you again for being part of this excellent tram.




Best regards,





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