Formal Invitation for Donors conference sample Formal invitation letter sample by Expert Writer - November 4, 2015February 7, 20200 Name ad Surname of the sender Street Name and Number Postcode and City Country MM/DD/YYYY Name and Surname Street Name and Number Postcode and City Country RE: Invitation for the PM Donors Conference Dear Mr. / Ms. [Surname of the recipient] You are cordially invited to join Prime Minister of the [Country name], and the Government of the Republic of [Country name[ at the annual Prime Minister’s conference in [City] for the benefit of Rare disease Foundation. The event will take place in the premises of the National Parliament, on [date], starting from [XX] o’clock. Thanks to this event, during last year we have raised 3 million EURs for the benefit of the National Rare disease Foundation. The Foundation is established in 2005 based on the Government decision, and during 10 years operation, the Fund provided support to the more than 1000 patients suffering from the rare diseases. Economic situation in the country, has significantly limited Government’s ability to support treatment of patients suffering from the rare diseases, and this funds collected through this Fund are of curtail importance for these patients. The PM Donors Conference has grown into tradition, having in mind that is has been held for the 10 years in a row. The Conference gathers most influential businessmans, managers, policy and decision makers, representative of diplomatic court, high level delegates from many Governments, who have recognized this noble cause. Based on invitations admission the Conference is free, however invitees are encouraged to donate generously to the Fund. During Conference we will strive to present successful stories derived from the Foundations work. You may convey this invitation to delegated representing your Institution. Having in mind that this event gathers high officials, We would highly appreciate to receive your reponse by September 30, in order to prepare logistics for your participation. For further information you may contact Senior PM Cabinet Officer, Mr. [Name Surname] on the number 00000000000 Sincerely, [Name Surname]