Announcement letter for Online Meeting Sample

When company has decided to hold an online meeting a first step is to contact all stakeholders and in the first place shareholders of the company. This is done with announcement letter for Online Meeting. In the letter you should convey the exact date, time and place where meeting will take place (venue or link to the webcast).

The announcement letter should be sent to the targeted stakeholders, at lest one week in advance. You can use the samples below to help you create your announcement letter for online meeting.

Announcement Letter for Online Annual Meeting

Dear Sir/Madam,

Global Inc. will “Webcast” its entire annual meeting this year due to pandemic caused by Covid-19 virus. The meeting will stream live onto the Internet beginning at 9 A.M. on Monday, July 27th; to view the session at that time, go to

There is no need to register to view the session.

Within an hour after the end of the annual meeting, the full video and audio of the meeting will be available on demand at the same Web address.

We encourage all stockholders, employees, customers, and other interested parties to view the Webcast. We’re proud of our company and all of our people, and we use the annual meeting to acknowledge our accomplishments, along with our sales and profit.


John Smith, CEO

Announcement letter for Zoom Annual Shareholder Meeting

Dear Mr. Johnson

To adapt to the current situation in light of Covid-19 Pandemic, the Global Inc decided to transform the Annual Shareholder Meeting into a fully on-line event, using Zoom and Skype for Business Platforms.

Global Inc. is excited to announce that the 23rd Annual Shareholder Meeting will be held on-line, on Monday July 27th, 2020!

To join the meeting please click on the following link, and to access the meeting room, please use following password: 133445.  Separate invitation email will be sent to block your calendar.

As you know the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting is a special occasion for information, exchange and discussion between Global Inc and all our shareholders. Furthermore, this is as an opportunity to express yourselves and vote to play an active role in making major decisions regardless of the number of shares you own.

I sincerely hope you will be able to participate in this Meeting by using the Zoom which allows you to vote directly or be represented by the Chairman, or any other person of your choice.

In the attachment you can find the agenda and the text of the resolutions to be submitted for your approval.

I would like to thank you, on behalf of the Board, for your confidence and your loyalty to the Global Inc and I look forward to welcoming you to the Meeting on Monday July 27th 2020.


John Smith, CEO
