Formal complaint letter about unsatisfactory hotel accommodation

With formal complaint letter about unsatisfactory hotel accommodation you are notifying the hotel about issues you have encountered during your stay there. The complaint letter about unsatisfactory hotel accommodation details issues experienced and gives the request to the hotel to make improvements prior to your next visit, or sends a call for action. One of the options may be request for full or partial reimbursement.

In the complaint letter about poor hotel facilities you should list all facilities for which you consider quality level was lower than advertised on their website or on the website of booking agency.

Name and Surname of the Sender

Company Name

Address of the Sender


Name and Surname proceed with the title

Company Address


Subject: Letter of complaint regarding hotel accommodation


I am writing this complaint regarding my recent stay in your hotel, which was not satisfactory, due to faulty information of accommodation description provided on the Hotel Website.Between [mm/dd/yyyy] and [mm/dd/yyyy] I stayed at hotel [name] in [city] in room [number]. As I

have already conveyed to the Receptionist, Ms/Mr [NAME SURNAME] I was not satisfied with accommodation provided, in the following ways: [Specify].


When I asked to change the room, I was told that this was not possible; nor was the problem corrected.

U have also spoken to the Reception manager regarding this issue, however staff was not in the position to meet my request.


Having in mind that that this is a high class hotel, with good star rating, belonging to the famous chain of hotel, I perceive this type of the treatment as unacceptable, especially having in mind that I am regular guest in your hotels across the country.


As provisions of the Consumer Rights Act claim my right to benefit from reasonable care and decent service, I believe that this behaving brings your hotel in the breach of national legislation. In that line I am legally entitled to be refunded (fully or partially) form you. Therefore I urge you to consider my claim and provide me with the written response by [dd/mm/yyyy]


Yours sincerely


Name Surname]

